CM Motors is always ready to deliver you the finest solution on purchase of pre-owned cars. We provide an expert evaluation service if you want to sell your car. But there may be questions in your mind regarding our services. So, here we try to resolve your basic queries.
When you are searching on our website, you get information about various cars with their high-quality pictures in-car details page. We put only authenticated pictures of our available pre-owned car stock.
CM Motors has vast experience of more than 13 years and has veteran staff to deal with pre-owned cars. More than 4500 customers have been already taken our services. Trust, Quality & Customer Satisfaction are our core values.
Thank you for approaching us. First you need to book a car evaluation by contacting us on +91 99787 78790. Our expert evaluator will visit your place and evaluate your car. Once they check all papers and car condition they'll offer the best price. If you'll agree on it then we'll do free RC transfer and give you decided price for your car.
Yes, Definitely. We are ready to help you to resolve your queries after purchasing pre-owned car from CM Motors.